3rd Emergency Psychologists' Training Camp

September 26-28, 2008
Marco di Rovereto (TN)

The 3rd Emergency Psychologists' Civil Protection Training Camp will be held on September 27 and 28, 2008 (arrival on Friday 26 afternoon; final lunch on Sunday 28) at Marco di Rovereto (TN) training facility.
The site is that of Marco's ex munitions depot, which has been transformed into a logistic facility apt to give hospitality to groups of Civil Protection volunteers, even very large ones, coming from every regions. Containers, tents, a big tension structure for the mess and the plenary sessions, ex-pillboxes for training activities, well-equipped yards and locations for the play-acting of field training are available. The training area is a kind of naturalistic niche, which is well-suited to create a safe, active and realistic scenario for training and play-acting work. This territory, which is part of "Lavini di Marco" area, with naturalistic attractions and signs of the Great War, laps the moraines which drew the attention of a special traveller such as Dante Alighieri, who wrote about them in the Divine Comedy. In the calcareous blocks and sheets which hang on Marco's training camp, dinosaurs tracks are still visible, which date back to Inferior Jurassic, imprinted in mud more than 200 million years ago.

The 3rd Training Camp is organised by Associazione  Psicologi per i Popoli - Trentino in collaboration with Psicologi per i Popoli - Federazione, both headed by Luigi Ranzato.

arrival and accommodation (h 17.00-22.00)

-h 9.00-9.30: (in plenary) introduction to the theme common to all workshops: "The catastrophe and its symbols: memory's places, signs of the times, solidarity yards". Hints, ideas and emotions will be brought to the subject of the day through brief communications.

-h 9-30-13.00; 14.30-18.30 WORKSHOPS.
The 3rd Training Camp working hypothesis is that the typology of each catastrophe, be it natural or man-made, might and should determine both the general structure of the rescue system and the specific psychosocial intervention. Therefore, the subject of each workshops will be the elaboration and the play-acting of a specific type of catastrophe, going through the following phases:

a) analysis of a specific type of catastrophe: technical/scientific and cultural (mythic, religious, literary, etc.) aspects, also with reference to the accounts of the main catastrophic events of past and present times;
b) technical and experiential testimonies about the intervention;
c) hypothesis of psychosocial intervention;
d) play-acting within the workshop on the specific scenario;
e) final debriefing, technical debate, lessons learned.

  • Workshop A.  TRAIN ACCIDENT. Conductors: Raffaela Paladini e Rolando Incontrera
  • Workshop B.  PANDEMIC.  Conductor: Luca Pezzullo 
  • Workshop C. EARTHQUAKE. Conductor: Michele Cusano
  • Workshop D.  MISSING PEOPLE.  Conductor: Barbara Haupt
  • Workshop E.  SERIOUS ACCIDENT IN A TUNNEL. Conductor: Elvira Venturella
  • Workshop F.  FLOOD. Conductors: Delfo Bonenti; Isabella De Giorgi; Donatella Galliano
  • Workshop G. ARTISTIC/CULTURAL HERITAGE'S DESTRUCTION AND RESCUE. Conductor: Maria Teresa Fenoglio with "Beni Culturali della Provincia di Trento".
  • Workshop H. SERIOUS CAR ACCIDENT. Conductor: Vaudo Gianni
  • Workshop I. URBAN EXPLOSIONS. Conductor: Fabio Sbattella
  • Workshop J.  EVERYDAY URBAN CATASTROPHES. Conductor: Marco Bellagamba
  • Workshop K. PANIC IN THE UNDERGROUND. Conductor: Rita di Iorio
  • Workshop L. TERRORISM. Conductor: Luigi De Luca
  • Workshop M  RISK IN MASSIVE EVENTS. Conductor: Giulia Marino
  • Workshop N. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS. Conductor: Antonio Zuliani
  • Workshop O. REFUGEE CAMP. Conductor: Paolo Castelletti
  • Workshop P. BABY SOLDIERS. Conductor: Rita Erica Fioravanzo
  • Workshop Q. GARBAGE CRISES. Conductors: Luigi Ranzato and colleagues.

-h 21.00: night drill with representatives of Trentino's Civil Protection forces.

h 9.00 Debriefing in groups, conclusions  in plenary.
h 13.00 Lunch and greetings.


To register, send an e-mail with the proper form to psicologixpopoli@alice.it.
Registration requires a payment of € 35,00, as a "generous donation", to the voluntary association which offers bed and board. The sum will be paid on arrival at the camp.

Applications for the 350 available places will be accepted following this order:

  • psychologists who are members of emergency psychology associations or other voluntary associations (Croce Rossa Italiana, Misericordie etc);
  • psychologists from the ASLs connected to the "Emergenza" or "Urgenza" services of the about-to-be-set-up "Equipe Psicosociale dell'Emergenza";
  • psychologists and psychology graduates who got a master's degree in emergency psychology or psychotraumatology;
  • psychologists and psychology graduates enrolled in emergency psychology or psychotraumatology masters;
  • volunteers who are not psychologists, auxiliaries in the psychology teams of the Civil Protection.

Regional or  provincial representatives of the Civil Protection may be registered as guests by the Camp Board upon request of the associations' chairs. In case of renunciation, people enrolled must immediately inform the Board (psicologixpopoli@alice.it).


Camp Board decides about workshop allocation on the following basis:

  • acceptance of one of the 5 preferences expressed by the participants, until reaching a maximum number of 25 participants;
  • composition of groups in terms of association membership and regional provenance;
  • presentation of works within each individual workshop;
  • composition of groups in terms of past experiences stated at registration;
  • composition of groups in terms of participants age.

Allocation will be notified via e-mail 15 days before the start of Camp activities together with the program written by the conductors.


Civil Protection Training Camp site is in MARCO, a hamlet which is 5 kilometers far from Rovereto (TN)  (N.B.: the site is locally known as "ex Polveriera di Marco".)

You can get to the Camp:

a) by car in motorway: take exit Rovereto Sud of "Autostrada n. 22 del Brennero" (north direction: Verona-Brennero). Past the toll, you find a rotary: immediately turn right in MARCO direction. Go past the subway (3 metres high). Past 0.5 km, you arrive at the central street of the village (named "via 11 Novembre"). Take left (you'll find a church on the right) and past about 0.5 km take the main street Rovereto-Verona. Exactly at the stop sign, in front, you find the pathway to the Training Camp, indicated by a sign of Trento's Civil Protection. Pay attention crossing the main road. Within you'll find place to park the car.

b) by train: stop at Rovereto station (railway timetable in www.trenitalia.it). All the trains on the stretch of line VERONA -TRENTO - BOLZANO - BRENNERO stop at Rovereto station. From 1.00 p.m. to 10.20 p.m. there are 15 passages in north direction with respective stops of a few minutes. In the square on the right of the station, you'll find the bus stop and there will be also a shuttle bus to the Training Camp. However, those days will be operative the phone of our colleague Daniele - the number will be given in due course.

c) by car through Valsugana highway: reached Trento sign, don't go down to town, but follow bypass in Rovereto-Verona direction, take the highway as far as Rovereto and here take Verona direction for 5 km, or take the motorway Verona direction, exit Rovereto-Sud. 

d) by plane: at the Villafranca-Verona airport, take the shuttle to Verona train station, and there take the train to Rovereto.


In addition to the association or Civil Protection uniform, which we suggest to anybody who owns it to bring it with themselves, a dress adapted to seasonable weather conditions is advisable, with proper and safe shoes in case of bad weather and for those who actively participate to drills. Before leaving, we suggest to visit the site http://www.meteotrentino.it/ for weather forecast. In the night it will be damp and maybe cold. Participants will sleep in tents with tent-beds (for 6 people) or in container modules with beds and mattress (10 people). A sleeping bag will be very useful, albeit some blankets are available. Everyone must bring his/her personal towels. An electric torch may be useful, albeit the Camp is electrified. Toilets are outside.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served by the kitchen of Provincia di Trento's Nucleo Volontari Alpini  (Nu.Vol.A) in the big central tension structure.
In case of health problems, an ambulance of the Italian Red Cross will be available to the participants. We hope there will be no need of services for psychological and behavioural crises!


Since early afternoon of Friday 26 September, at the Camp will be in operation a secretarial staff which will check the registration, will deliver the pass with the name and surname of the participant (to be kept round one's neck during the whole stay at the Camp), and will indicate the number of the tent or container.
The donation for bed and board expenses is € 35,00 for participant. A training participation certificate will be given to each participant.


Training Camp participants must conform to the Camp rules.
It is strictly forbidden to film Camp activities without Board permission.
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